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AIxVR Workshop on Healthcare Intelligence 2025

Shaping the Future of Healthcare: Merging AI Insights with XR Innovations for Next-Generation Solutions


Call For Papers

You are invited to submit relevant papers to the Healthcare Intelligence workshop, with applications of AI, XR and machine learning.


As the healthcare sector continues to evolve rapidly, the integration of cutting-edge technologies is reshaping how care is delivered. Extended Reality (XR), which includes Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Augmented Reality (AR), is becoming increasingly influential in healthcare, offering new opportunities for training, surgical planning, and remote collaboration. Simultaneously, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising diagnostics, patient care, and data-driven decision-making. The convergence of these two fields is set to usher in a new era of healthcare, marked by unparalleled precision, personalisation, and patient engagement.

Our Fields of Expertise


This workshop, held as part of the IEEE AIxVR 2025 conference—a unique event that brings together researchers and professionals across AI, AR, MR, and VR



  • Facilitate in-depth discussions and showcase the latest advancements at the intersection of XR and AI in healthcare.

  • Identify emerging research areas and collaboratively chart the future directions for these interconnected fields.

  • Enhance the synergy between AI's analytical capabilities and XR's immersive experiences to create next-generation healthcare solutions.

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: 15th  2024

  • Notification: TBC - 2 weeks post submission target

  • Camera-Ready: TBC

  • Workshop: 27-29 January 2025


  • We invite submissions in the following categories:

  • Papers exploring the integration of AI and XR in healthcare.

  • AI-centric research with significant implications for XR in healthcare settings.

  • XR-centric research with significant implications for AI in healthcare contexts.

  • All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop, with sessions dedicated to in-depth discussions and networking opportunities.


  • AI-driven XR for surgical training.

  • XR for medical imaging visualization.

  • AI for healthcare data networks in XR.

  • AI-enhanced VR for therapy and rehab.

  • Predictive AI for patient behavior in VR.

  • AI for large-scale healthcare data.

  • AI-integrated XR for mental health.

  • VR for deep learning in healthcare.

  • Eye tracking in XR for diagnostics.

  • AI and network slicing for healthcare.

  • AI for real-time eye tracking in XR.

  • AI for network issues in XR telemedicine.

Submission Information

  • Submission Link: All papers must be submitted online via EasyChair: Please refer to the main conference website for the latest information.

  • Page Limit: Submissions should be up to 4 pages in length, with a maximum of 6 pages for papers involving extensive imaging (excluding references). The submission must be a single PDF file, with an optional separate file for video content.

  • Submission Template: Authors must format their papers according to the IEEE Manuscript Formatting guidelines available at IEEE Templates. It is recommended that authors use the LaTeX template provided. Submissions must be anonymised for the double-blind review process, following IEEE policies.


Workshop proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and made available in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Review Process

The review process is double-blind, ensuring anonymity for both authors and reviewers. Each submission will be evaluated by at least two experts in the field. There will be no rebuttal phase. Publishing in this workshop does not preclude the subsequent publication of an extended paper or journal article. However, identical workshop papers cannot be resubmitted elsewhere without significant additional content. Authors of accepted papers are required to make any necessary revisions and submit the final version by the camera-ready deadline.

Organising Committee

  • Ronak Al-Haddad (Co-Chair)
    Anglia Ruskin University, UK

  • Faraz Janan (Chair)
    Senior Teaching Fellow
    Imperial College London and Anglia Ruskin University, UK


Contact us

Any submission queries are welcome 

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